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Big Data Storage Solution - NoSQL
14 HoursHBase for Developers
21 HoursMemSQL
28 HoursOrientDB for Developers
14 HoursScylla Database
21 HoursLast Updated:
Intresting presentation and excercises
Szymon - Agora SA
Course - Scylla Database
It gives me an insight on Redis, and also guide me to the right path if I want to know more about Redis
Ameer Fiqri Barahim - Sarawak Information Systems Sdn Bhd
Course - Redis for High Availability and Performance Training Course
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Online NoSQL courses, Weekend NoSQL courses, Evening NoSQL training, NoSQL boot camp, NoSQL instructor-led, Weekend NoSQL training, Evening NoSQL courses, NoSQL coaching, NoSQL instructor, NoSQL trainer, NoSQL training courses, NoSQL classes, NoSQL on-site, NoSQL private courses, NoSQL one on one training