Course Outline


  • Overview of SonarQube features and architecture

Getting Started

  • Installing and configuring the server
  • Navigating the SonarQube server UI
  • Setting up SonarScanner with build tools (Gradle, Maven, Ant, etc.)

Integrating with DevOps Tools

  • Installing and configuring Jenkins plugins
  • Importing Azure DevOps repositories into SonarQube
  • Setting up projects with GitHub Repositories

Running Code Tests and Analysis

  • Defining analysis parameters
  • Executing tests and generating data
  • Working with third-party analyzers

Improving and Maintaining Code Quality

  • Analyzing project history
  • Defining rules with Quality Profiles
  • Enhancing global security features
  • Adding coding rules with SonarQube APIs
  • Best practices and tips


Summary and Next Steps


  • Experience with DevOps administration.


  • DevOps engineers
  • Developers
 14 Hours